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Yzerfontein Art Route

The rugged but beautiful West Coast of South Africa is known for inspiring creativity among locals and visitors alike. 

Yzerfontein is a small fishing village, 80km from Cape Town, and is one such town with a population of 3000 permanent residents, where the ever changing tides and pristine white beaches welcome one. 

Writers, crafters and artists are all inspired by the palette of beauty surrounding us.  Our village is also known for dense flowering fynbos and the annual wild flowers.  We are surrounded by a rich colour spectrum, from corn flower blue skies, changing into the most majestic sunsets ranging from cotton coloured candy to rich reds and crimson.

In March 2021 the Yzerfontein Art Route was born after a chat between two strangers that turned into a coffee date with six other likeminded strangers. The Yzerfontein Art Route has now grown to thirty members.

Our mission was to showcase and sell our work.  The Artists decided to open their home studios on certain weekends and it was not long before selected Retail spaces in and around Yzerfontein invited a number of the Artists to exhibit art on their walls.

Visitors are able to follow Yzerfontein Art Route on social media or scan the QR code.  Yellow sign boards are erected for the duration of the exhibitions during the year.  The aforementioned makes it easy to follow the yellow art route signs to the respective home studios and retail spaces.

Yzerfontein Artists do a variety of fine art, photography, pewter, mosaic designs and other functional and decorative art.  The specific Artists can be reached via Yzerfontein Tourism’s Website or via through Yzerfontein Art Route on social media.

Dr Adri van Aswegen-Janse van Vuuren works as an artist, communication practitioner, social worker and pastoral worker.  Since 2006 she is involved with the Darling Trust, giving art classes and Life skills.  Adri works in different media:  charcoal, oil pastel, acrylic mixed media, etc.

Entrepreneur Ami Smuts has had many lecturers and art teachers over the years. From Stellenbosch to Taung Cultural Centres. Ami is known for oil paintings on large canvasses as well as colourful palette knife studies of roses and seascapes. 

Graphic designer Botha Louw studied in Germany and this branched into painting with his speciality being  portrait painting.  Botha has been published in The Collector’s guide to Art and Artists in South Africa.  Botha also teaches art in Yzerfontein.

Gallery owner Cherylin Botha-Louw alternates between oil painting on canvas or creating functional art with Acrylic pouring.  Cheri is the creator of exquisite, colourful once-off products. 

Diane Daniller started working with clay again after a 30 year corporate career.  Diane loves working with clay as it is such a diverse medium and it allows her the freedom to create and express herself, pushing clay to the maximum.  Diane also teaches and will be offering workshops.

Physiotherapist Edith Luke has a passion for colour found in nature and painting flowers have become her trademark. Edith paints mainly with oils on canvas and each brush stroke tells a colourful story. 

School Principal Elise Steyn has packed away the school books and unpacked her paints.  Elise specialises in portraiture with her preferred medium being oils and has now combined her passions by teaching art in Yzerfontein. 

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